讲座内容:Do Managers Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are?
Evidence from Insider Trading after Conference Calls
讲座老师:Xu Li University of Hong Kong
李熙(Xu Li),对外经贸大学本科, Boston College 硕士,Massachusetts of Institute of Technology 博士,先
在University of Texas at Dallas and Lehigh University、后在University of Hong Kong工作。在JFQA,AR,JAE,JAPP
等国际顶级期刊发表有关Capital market’s reaction on accounting information,Insider trading and information asymmetry
Disclosure's impact on cost of capital, Corporategovernance related issues等领域的论文多篇。
(1)Can strong boards and trading their own firm s stock help CEOs makebetter decisions? Evidence from acquisitionsby
overconfident CEOs Coauthored with Adam Kolasinski, forthcoming at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
(2)Can Government Policies Induce Unethical Earnings ManagementBehavior? Evidence from Chinese Public Listed Firms
Coauthored with Nan Hu,Baolai Qi, and Ling Liu, forthcoming at Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting.
(3)Regulation FD, Accounting Restatements and Transient Institutional Investors Trading Behavior Coauthored with Suresh
Radhakrishnan, HaeyoungShin, and Jin Zhang,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, vol. 30, 298-326,July-August 2011.
(4)Behavioral Theories and the pricing of IPOs Discretionary Current Accruals Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,
vol. 37, 87-104, July2011.
(5)Are Corporate Managers Savvy About Their Stock Price? Evidence from Insider Trading after Earnings Announcements
Coauthored with Adam Kolasinski, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, vol. 29, 27-44,January-February 2010.
(6)The Effect of Disclosures by Management, Analysts, and Business Press On the Equity Cost of Capital: A Study Using
Content Analysis Coauthored with S.P. Kothari and James Short, The Accounting Review, vol. 84, 1639-1670, September 2009.
(7)Characteristics of a Firm s Information Environment and the Information Asymmetry between Insiders and Outsiders.
Coauthored with Richard Frankel, Journal of Accounting and Economics, vol. 37, 229-259, June 2004.