

讲座内容R&D Volatility Drivers
讲座老师Suresh Radhakrishnan教授— 美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校
Suresh Radhakrishnan,纽约大学斯特恩商学院会计学博士,纽约大学统计及运筹学专业硕士曾任卡内基梅隆大学访问助理教授、纽约大学斯特恩商学院助理教授、罗格斯大学管理学研究生院助理教授,现任德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校管理学院会计和公司治理专业特聘教授、德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校研究中心主任、德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校国际会计项目总监。曾任香港大学、台湾大学、香港理工大学、香港城市大学、复旦大学、西安交通大学等国内高等院校的客座教授。在公司治理方面研究成果卓著,主要研究成果发表于Management ScienceJournal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceThe International Journal of AccountingInformation Systems Research等期刊,代表作如下:
1.      “The antecedents of co-developer participation in open source projects,” (with R. Jayant, K. Dogan and V. Jacob), ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, forthcoming.
2.       “Can payment-per-click induce improvements in click fraud identification technologies?,” (with M. Chen, V. Jacob, Y. Ryu), Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
3.       “The effects of the auditor’s insurance role on reporting conservatism and audit quality,” (with Peicheng Liao), The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
4.       “Recognition of future news in earnings and price bubbles in experimental markets,” Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, forthcoming.
5.      “Corporate political connections and the 2008 Malaysian election,” (with F. Gul and S. Fung), Accounting, Organisations and Society, 2015, 43: 67-83.
6.       “Forward-looking disclosures in the MD&A and the financial information environment,” (with V. Muslu, K. R. Subramaniam and D. Lim), Management Science, 2015, 61: 931-948.
7.      “Analysts’ cash flow forecasts and accrual mispricing,” (with Shu-ling Wu), Contemporary Accounting Research, 2014, 31: 1191-1219.
8.       “Investment banks’ entry into new IPO markets and IPO underpricing,” (with S. Y. U. Fung and F. A. Gul), Management Science, 2014, 60: 1297-1316.
9.      “Customers’ capital market information quality and suppliers’ operating performance,” (with Z. Wang and Y. Zhang), Production and Operations Management, 2014, 23: 1690-1705.
10.  “The China puzzle: Opportunities for accounting research,” China Journal of Accounting Research, 2014, 7: 1-8.
11. “A commitment based explanation for outsourcing multiple tasks,” (with P. Liao), Contemporary Accounting Research, 2013, 30: 1063-1081.
12. “Reexamining the relation between audit and non-audit fees: Dealing with weak instruments in two-stage least squares estimation,” (with L. Chan, T. Chen and S. Janakiraman), Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2012, 27: 299-324.
13.  “Discretionary accruals quality, cost of capital, and diversification,” (with O. Urcan and S. Demirkan), Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2012, 27: 496-526.
14. “Non-financial disclosure and analyst forecast accuracy: International evidence on corporate social responsibility disclosure,” (with D. Dhaliwal, A. Tsang and G. Yang), The Accounting Review, 2012, 87: 723-759.
15. “Discussion of ‘Does the control based approach to consolidated statements better reflect market value than the ownership-based approach?’”, The International Journal of Accounting, 2012, 47: 226-231.